Data Platform Introduction

The Cryosphere Innovation Data Platform helps you go from deployment to discovery faster by structuring and unifying the process of data collection from transmitting assets deployed worldwide.


This product is in beta testing and is subject to change.

The Data Platform brings you a flexible and extensible framework for structuring your deployed instrument data and metadata. It is a generalization of the SIMB3 Real-Time Data System, adapted for use with many other kinds of instruments.

How does it work?

The Data Platform organizes your information into "instruments" and "deployments".


An instrument defines your devices' hardware and has attributes like a name and a serial number. Instruments also have "sensors", which are defined via a spreadsheet that you upload into our system. Each sensor as a name, a precision, and a unit.

The sensors you declare are used to build the public webpage, each of which are available for use in the real-time tiles and time-series charts.


With an instrument defined, you can create a deployment. A deployment must have an associated instrument, and an instrument can have multiple deployments. Deployments have attributes like location, status, start date, end date, and privacy.

When you create a deployment, our system automatically partitions a database table for your deployment behind the scenes. This table is unique to your deployment, and holds all the data that comes in from your instrument.

Adding data to your deployment

You can add data to a deployment multiple ways.

  • By CSV drag and drop

    From your dashboard, you can drag and drop a CSV which will populate your database manually.


    You can also add data programmatically using our REST API. Every deployment has a unique API endpoint for adding and deleting data. This features allows you to update data to your deployment in real-time.

  • By Iridium SBD Decoding

    If your instrument uses Iridium SBD, we can handle decoding for you and can import your data directly into your deployment database immediately after a message comes in. All we need is a Python function that tells our system how to map the binary file to your specified columns, and we can help you with that.

How do I get started?

The Data Platform is currently in beta testing and we are actively looking for different use cases to test it. If you think you have a good application, sign up for our beta test or reach out to us directly.